Foto Otaku Solo Raya.

Hello everybody kali ini saya mau review Battle of Surabaya English Dub, Well indonesia sekarang sudah mempunyai animasi sendiri, yup anime indonesia yang dibuat oleh Amikom jogja lets aplause untuk mereka great RPL skils from Indonesia selain si Juki.
Well film ini sangat bagus pertama dari story board dari peletakan drama, Romance dan dramatic sad scene sangat bagus walau beberapa peletakan sad epic ada yang kurang menyentuh tetapi well thats epic scene so great serta story board yang menarik krn diliat dari alurnya walau sedikit membingungkan krn salah peletakan alur flashback sepertinya krn saya masih bingung apakah itu alur maju atau mundur, selain itu peletakan scene romance nya bagus di mulai dari epic romance scene yang klasik seperti adegan mengintip, janji yang tertepati, tidur bersama.... maksudku adalah adegan di mana si MC menjaga si Heroin hingga scene di mana janji Main Chara dengan Heroine tidak bisa terpenuhi.... thats most Epic Romance scene man..... dan The Last Big War is so Epic... Amikom dan MSV mengemasnya dengan sangat baik dengan pengorbanan si traitors sebagai penebusan dosa... BTW Greeding warna nya keren
Well walau banyak kelebihanya film ini ada kekuranganya terutama di Dubnya yang dub inggris ini penghayatan dubnya sangat kurang sehingga kalimat perkalimatnya terasa hambar, kemudian pada saat Dub dalam bahasa arab/yang islamic terasa sangat aneh d telinga, mungkin karena belum terbiasa kali..., pada dub perkatanya lumayan banyak translate an yang kaku sehingga sangat asing di telinga contohnya Ibu yang harusnya di translate Cuma MOM menjadi Mother tapi well masih bisa di dengarkan kok dan masih compatible di telinga dan mata penikmat film sekalian
Well sekian Review dri saya jangan lupa Share dan likenya agar banyak review lagi dan jangan lupa klo mau request bisa d comment dan bila saya ada salah dalam mereview bisa di sampaikan lewat comment ya...

Hello everybody this time I want to review the Battle of Surabaya English Dub, as Well as indonesia now had its own animation, yup Indonesian anime created by Amikom Yogyakarta lets aplause for their great RPL skils from Indonesia besides si Juki.
Well this movie is very nice first from the story board of the laying of the drama, Romance and dramatic sad scene is very good although some laying sad epic is nothing less touching but well thats epic scene so great and interesting story board cuz Seeing from the plot is a little confusing because wrong placement of the strands flashback seems like I still confused whether it is forward or backward flow, besides laying his great romance scene at the start of the epic romance scene classic scene such as peek, promise has been kept, sleep together .... I mean is the scene where si MC si keeping Heroin until the scene where the promise of the Main Chara with the Heroine could not be fulfilled .... thats the most Epic Romance scene man. .... and The Last Big War is so Epic ... Discovery and MSV put it very well with the sacrifice of the traitors as penance ... BTW his cool color Greeding
Well while many kelebihanya movie is kekuranganya mainly in the English dub, the Dub view every sentence is feels less so bland, then by the time the Dub in Arabic/islamic feels so strange in our ear, Perhaps because of the unfamiliar times ..., on dub In Every Sentence pretty much Strange translating is so very rigid in the ear for example the mother should be in translate Just MOM being a Mother but well could still be on the listen to and still compatible in ear and the eyes of all film lovers
Well the Review I do not forget to Share and like so many review again and do you want to request you can write it at comment and when I have wrong in reviewing can be conveyed via comment ya ...